Three Boxes and a Cube:
Box 1: The Amputee (2004)
Box 2: The Foetus on the sofa (2006)
Box 3: The Mirror Dwarf (2006)
Cube (2007)
Three collapsable cubes made up of six 15 x 15 cm panels made of mild steel, machine engraved and held together with five modified piano hinges.
Solid brass cube 7.1 x 7.1 x 7.1 cm, machine engraved.
Constructed by John Delacour.
The sculptures are an homage to various films.
Their recorded results are featured on the album The Best of 'Futility Music" - Volume 1:
Box 1: The Amputee (2004)
Forces: quarter-tone tuned e.guitar/2 hairdryers/VCR hum/breathing/laughter
Duration: 3'33"
As with all three boxes, the piece is governed by bracketed frame-notation.
Box 2: The Foetus on the Sofa (2006)
Forces: 2 vacuum cleaners/vocalist in foetal position on a sofa/'daemon' voice/sample of a cat purr
Duration: 6'38"
The gaps in the outer text for this part, are a direct reference to Duchamp's With Hidden Noise.
Box 3: The Mirror Dwarf (2006)
Forces: 3 video cameras producing feedback/sample of a bird's wings flapping/sample of dwarf laughter/chef's torch
Duration: 5'16"
Cube (2007)
Forces: Box 1, Box 2, Box 3, morse code
Duration: ?